As the wavelength decreases, energy of Light increases. Because of this, UVC is high energy than normal light. The high energy from short wavelength UV light is absorbed in the cellular RNA and DNA, damaging nucleic acids and preventing microorganisms from infecting and reproducing. This absorption of UV energy forms new bonds between nucleotides, creating double bonds or “dimers.” Dimerization of molecules, particularly thymine, is the most common type of damage incurred by UV light in microorganisms. Formation of thymine dimers in the DNA of bacteria and viruses prevents replication and inability to infect.
Miscellaneous Inactivating Agents | Disinfection & Sterilization Guidelines | Guidelines Library | Infection Control | CDC... Centres for Disease Control and Prevention
IJMM_JULY_2008.indd (bioline.org.br) ... Indian Journal of Microbiology, 2008
Does ultraviolet light kill the coronavirus | National Academies ...The National Academics of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine