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What is UV, Germicidal UV, and what is UVGI ..... getting confused


to add confusion, there is VUV, UVA, UVB .......... Chill

Ultraviolet (UV) light is a component of the electromagnetic spectrum that falls in the region between visible light and X-Rays. Technically, Light with wavelengths between 100 nm to 400 nm is classified as UV Light.

Germicidal UV (GUV) refers to using ultraviolet radiant energy to inactivate bacteria, mold spores, fungi or viruses. It is also named UV-C. Technically, wavelengths between 200 to 280 nm. This is also the core of our products ..... more later

UVGI - When the process is applied in a given location, it has generally been referred to as ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI). Because of the public’s concern about ionizing radiation (e.g., X-rays and gamma rays), the term GUV avoids needless concerns about a link with that type of radiation. Another non-technical term is germicidal light, although “light” is technically only visible radiation.

UVA and UVB and VUV..... UVA is 315 nm to 400 nm. UVA is useful for printing, curing, lithography, sensing and medical applications. UVB is 280 nm to 315 nm, useful for curing, and medical applications. While VUV is Vacuum Ultra Violet, or Far UV, between 100 - 200 nm, propagate in Vacuum only.

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